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2020 has been a year of growth for Unity Online, with eight new starters since February. What better way to introduce our new starters than with a Q&A session. We start this week with Matthew Readett who joined us in May as an Account Manager.
Matthew has worked in account managerial roles in marketing for around 4 years, always with a focus on digital. Commencing his career in programmatic advertising, working with several national and international clients. Matthew uncovered an interest in media planning and digital strategy, and developed his skills across other channels. Before joining Unity, Matthew was a strategy consultant with a focus on digital media strategy. Taking the role at Unity was a natural next step for Matthew, fitting the missing pieces of his digital puzzle.
Account Managers are client champions within the business. It’s our responsibility to ensure our clients are getting the results they need and the service they deserve. We are also the ‘connectors’ of the business, we facilitate the collaboration of teams and individuals to deliver on great work, driving the company and our clients forward.
An average day at Unity involves lots of planning, and lots of talking. We kick most days off with some team wide prioritisation. Once we have that sorted we get down to it, this will involve calling clients, analysing performance, working to get campaigns live, devising digital strategies, and helping deliver content for our clients. Unity is built on solid processes which means we have a strong idea of what we should be doing as a team. That said, you never know what request or question is going to come through the door each day, so there is always something to keep you on your toes!
How much budget do I have? …I’m not really big on gimmicks, so would probably just go to a nice pub or bar, and some nice tapas/buffet style food rather than cold xmas dinners! Maybe I would have a pub quiz for entertainment. If not that then go karting is always a good shout, although not very christmassy!
Progressive, Collaborative, Happy
See this is difficult because it’s got to be something that you can marathon on. I’ve been devouring Better Call Saul recently, which is great, even better than Breaking Bad. But I think I’d have to go either West Wing or The Sopranos, with a few episodes of the US version of the office. Snacks wise I can’t look past Thai Sweet Chilli Crisps & Sour Cream & Chive dip, although not sure how that counts as providing snacks.
I have a tattoo of the Jedi Insignia from Star Wars on my ankle.
Aged 10 was when my Year 6 teacher told me I was, quote “getting too big for my boots”, so a sign of things to come! Other than that, overweight.
A tent, matches, a boat.
Busted in Christchurch Park in Ipswich I think, supported by Mcfly, quite the gig!
A plane ticket. I’d fly into Colombia for a 2 week holiday, then I’m off to Patagonia for a couple of months, and after that, wherever the wind takes me.
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